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Local historian featured in Rural Missouri magazine 

​​(Published in THE COUNTRY CIRCUIT, Vol. 35 No. 10, August, 1993)​​

Peggy Smith Hake, a Three Rivers member from t​​he St. Elizabeth area, has been active in local history and genealogy for several years.

We featured Peggy and some of the work she has done with area school houses on t​​he back page of the September issue of Rural Missouri.

Make sure you take the time to read about the old one-room schoolhouses in Miller County. And, if you ever need any help researching your family t​​ree or a place of interest, call Peggy. If she can't provide the information you need, she will more than likely be able to point you in the right direction.

Note: The article, which was featured in the September (1993) issue of Rural Missouri, was entitled, "Reading, writing, 'rithmetic and preservation of history" written by Lorie Kiso. The story, which details Peggy's research about Miller County one-room schoolhouses,  is  rather  lengthy  and  I  will  not  be posting  it  to  the website at this time. (Kelly Warman-Stallings)

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